
Mr. Milton Jordan
August 3, 1979
Page Four

or materials which show the number of fatal cancer
cases and the number of genetic malformations to
be expected from a dose of 170 millirem per

year, and the expected increase in the frequency

of such cancer cases and genetic malformations,
to be expected for the predicted dose rates
presented on page 8 of the attachment.
In other

words, what is the expected frequency of fatal
cancer cases at an average dose rate for the

population of 170 millirem per year, compared with,
for the whole body, a dose rate of 210 millirem

per year, 240 millirem per year, and 260 millirem
per year?


another example, what is


expected increase in leukemia cases at 170 millirem
per year compared with 190 millirem per year,

260 millirem per year, 280 millirem per year,
and 300 millirem per year?

What is the expected frequency of genetic anomalies
at an average whole body dose rate of 5000 millirem
per 30 years compared with 2700 millirem, 3200
millirem, 4700 millirem, 5200 millirem and 5700


Please provide any records, documents and materials
which would explain why the attachment and the
letter of May 15 did not contain any discussion
of the biological risks associated with the
predicted doses.

If no such documents exist,

please so state, and explain why such a discussion
was not included in the advice provided to the
Department of Interior.
Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this

- Mitchell

Ruth C. Clusen
Bruce Wachholz



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