Mr. Milton Jordan
Augus t 3, 1979
- Page Three
diet grown on the island rather than on theoretical

predictions derived from soil concentrations."
Please provide a copy of all records, reports,

or studies or other documents or materials which
form the factual basis for this assertion.

Regarding the text on page 6 of the attachment

which appears at footnote 10, please provide acopy of any study, report or other document which

forms the basis of the decision to employ the

federal radiation guidance which is taken from

the Enewetak Clean-up Environmental Impact Statement

of April,


There is no need to provide any

materials which are contained in the Environmental
Impact Statement.
This request is for any additional
or other materials.

Plese provide a copy of the publication relied

upon fer the calculated dose estimates which is
cited at footnote 14 of the attachment, "An

Updated Radiological Dose Assessment of Eneu
Island at Bikini Atoll,"

Robison, W.L.

Phillips, W.A., UCRL-52775,


Beginning at the foot of page 7,

statement is found:


the following

"The diets are based on the recent experience and
observations of the scientific teams who have been

working on Bikini Atoll.”

No support is provided in the text or in the footnote

for this statement.
Please provide any and all
records, reports, studies or other documents or
materials which describe the "recent experience
and observations" and which provide the names

of the members of the “scientific teams" referred
to in the quoted statement.
With respect to the predicted doses presented on

page 8 of the attachment, please provide a copy
of any and all studies, reports or other documents



Select target paragraph3