
April 1975 Preliminary survey of Bikinij





See NVO-206-E’ and BNL S196

joints br University of Washington

ané Brookhaven Xational Laboratory

for ERDs. Screening surver of erter-

mal radiation letels and collection of
gore soi] and vegetation aampiest in

preparation for a major survey later

this rear.

June 1075: A major fine grid surrer of
Bikini and Eneu Island externa! radiation levels was conducted br Lawrence Litermore
Laborstorr for

ERDA with participation br aecientists from EPA. University of Wasb-

ington. Brookbatren National Laboratory. and ERD.A. Also mamples of

aoil. plants. animals. and cistern and
ground water Were


April 1876: A surver of external radiation

jievele on Nam Island. the 8d

Exposure rates on Bikini Island
hbigbls variable Enev Island dos+
rates lower thar Bikini. e¢ister:
Water on lotb islands is acceptatle

for drinking Some wel! water acble. other wells apscceptable

for drinking. See UCRL-$1871.
Bi676 Bev. 1, 51918 Pr. 3. $2176.
$3876 Part 2 Si€te Part 8, 53*7H
Pr. §, NV O-266-82 ‘and BNL SOtHG
To be publisbed.

largesi island at Bikini Atol!. eovdocted br Erookbatep Nationa] Lab

oratory for ERDA.
September 197¢. Conduct of a


gurves of 5 Atolls including Bikini





To be published.


Brookbaver Nationa) Laboratory for

ERDA Surtered externa! radiation
levels and collected environments!

April 1977. Site ticits by Brookhaven
National Laboratory to plan instalia-

Bite identified. agreement obtained.

tion of windmill powered air mmdling stations. Bikini Atoll ome of

four sites fur iong-term air sampling.

Work supported pbs ERDA.
October 1977: Brookheren Nationa!
Laborstors installed wind-powered
loog-term air aempling station op

Island. Work


Data pot yet arailable.


Ia t.c5 Counting end Urine Biocsecy Eampliang—Bikini Atoll
Sampling ‘Counting =


1970': Pooled urine collected. analrsed for Sr-90. Ce-187. and Pu-239.

1971 °: Pooled uripe collected. analyzed for 8r-90. Cs-387. and Pwv-230. 240.
1972: Panied urine collected. Ce-187 concentration abows factor of 4 increa»e
over 1970. 8r-90 increase is factor of 2.

1973 ': Cs-137 in urine higher than 1970 by factor of about 10. Kr-80 increase ix
factor of 4.

April 874°: First ip vivo countiog of Ce-137 in Bikin! residents. Ca-137 urine
values about same as 1973. Sr-O0 levels down pear 1070 values. Pu-239. 2K)
higber (ban 187] br factor of about 5‘
April 1975 : Pu-28%. 260 bigber than 1971 by factor of 10."
Fall 3976 : Pu-239, 240 bigber than 1971 bs factor of 2.'Cs-3387 urine value
tReaults from severe) sarverspoblished Ll» eve report. Br-O0 and Ce-137 are dominen! tn

the temrentria! eetircomest.

ab ¢

FeSS in marine envircpwest, and ..©-24) and

32+ 240 are important ie soils Radtoactivity on Bikia! Atel! has declisec iguiscantiy
P es

. iaBrliog eee. GEerest individvals at Efereat times as people come and go at Bikio!

aiah B

She BNL 3424. Rept 1975.

*Thes reesits suspect samples may have ben contaminated. error ip measurement
te £7 o/o.


Select target paragraph3