Mr. Dust, T can supply you s statement for the record. I will give
you some informstion ad we will supply a summary.
[The information follows :]
Chronology ef Rediclogica! Zercocye—Bibial Atou
re end type ef survey
Aagust 1964: Early radiobiological sur- Photograpbed and identiSed organisms
wey of Bikini ‘and Enewetak Atolls
oo reefs and islands. No gross anomconducted by the University of Waabelies seen ip plants and animals due
fagton for AEC. Measurements apd
to radioactivity. See UWFL-S.
sampling were directed toward externa) radiation, solls, plana, water,


and fab.

April 1967 : Survey to £0 Ln gape in Asta
in order that doee estimates can be
reade for Bikir' Atoll residents. Team
led by University of Washington External radiation messurement by the
rts Bealth and Safety Laboratory,
February 190 . Survey work done concurrently with cleanup operations by
University of Washington scientists
for AEC. and by scientists of the
Western Environmenta! Research Laboratory of the Environmenta) Protection Agency, EPA under a memorandum of understanding with APC.
June 1970: Team led by University of
Washington with narticipetion by
Btaff of the Public Health Service and
AEC. Collection of the Sret air sam-

Major contributor to tota] exposure on
Bikinf and Eneo Ialands is Cs-137.
Levels vary considerably from island
to {aland in the Atoll Bee HASL-190.

Confirm earlier survey results for external radiation. Ce-18‘ and 8r-80
predominate in terrestrial organisms.
Co-@0 and Fe-S5 in marine organtame Bee NVO-200-5.

Confirm earlier survey resulta Levels
of Pu tn air are two orders of magnuitode
Fac guides

ples. Also collected soila, planta. an!-

wals and made additional external reGlation measurements.
May 1972: Followup survey condocted
after corovuts planted op Bikini and
Tics *-'22de os. .oasing constraction started on Bikin! Island. Team
led bs Uoiversity of Waabington with
participation by ecientists from the
Western Environments! Besearch
Laboratory. EPA, end AEC. Team
performed air sampling. collected
soils plants, animals, and made external radiation measurements
April 1974: Followap surrey of pumerous Atolia, including Bikini, cooGocted jointly by staff of Calversity
. of Waabingtor aod Brookhaven Natlopa! Laboratory for the AEC. The
gurvey team collected muples of

Radionoclide levels slowly decreasing Earlier estimates confirmed by
these data.

8See BNL 50476 and NVO-269-22 *.

soils. plants. animals. ground weter.

and made external radiation mess
Neeme sto
wel E
y of numerous

» suodacte¢ cotly by Univer-

sity of Wasbington and Brookhaven
Nationa) Laboratory for the AEC.

See NVO-260-82' and BNL 50706 in

Sawyies of soll and food collected

along with external radiation meses


Select target paragraph3