Bair Committee Recommendation

levels. However, the ERDA would continue to study Enjebi and the northern
islends to determine if any reliable methods can be found to reduce expected
exposures to acceptable levels within a shorter period of time.
Travel and short visits to all of the islands would be permitted with
Runit would be out of bounds until some indefinite
the exception of Runit.

future time as it may be declared safe.

Fishing for food anywhere in the lagoon would be permitted.

5. Capturing wild birds and gathering wild bird eggs would be permitted
on any islend except Runit.
6. Coconuts could be grown onthe southern islands Jinedrol through
Kidrenen and on Mijikadrek through Billae. Coconut cultivation would
not be permitted on the northwest islands of Bokoluo through Enjebi
and Runit.

7. Pandanus and breadfruit could be cultivated on the southern islands
only. Pandanus from any of the northern islands could not be eaten

until they have been tested and declared safe.


Pigs, chickens and other animals used for domestic meat must be

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grown on the southerm islands only.

(Jinedrol through Kidrenen).

9. Coconut crabs could be taken and eaten only from the southern
islands. (Jinedrol through Kidrenen)
e. Volume I of the EIS, paragraph, states that the following
actions would be taken to cleanup the atoll:
-Physical hazards would be removed from all islands.
Obstructions to development of habitations and agriculture would
be re>oved.

~Radioactive scrap would be removed from all islands in the atoll.
-Boken, Lujor, and Runit plutonium concentrations greater than
400 pCi/g would be excised and all other concentrations between 400 and

40 pCi/g would be dealt with on an individual basis as described in AEC

Task Group Report.

Concentrations of less than 40 pCi/g would not be

Cleanup of Pu is expected to be performed iteratively until

a sufficiently low concentration level well below 40 pCi/g is attained.

Some 79,000 cu yds of soil are estimated to be in this removal.

Select target paragraph3