
Bair Committee Recommendation

Volume III of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) contains

the following "proposed cleanup actions" and “advisory controls."
Provosed Cleanup Actions

After weighing the various problems concerned with the radioactivity,
the physical hazards, the peoples’ desires and the resources that might
be available in order to strike a practical balance between the various
factors, it is proposed to perform the following operations on Enewetak


Cleanup of Radioactive Materials


Radioactive screp from all islands would be collected and entombed

in one or both of the craters on Runit.

2. Plutonium on Aozon, Lujor and Boken in excess of levels established
by the AEC/(ERDA)/(DOE) would be dug up and placed on Runit. The
material on Runit would be dug up until measurements show that the levels
are below those established by the AEC. This material would be entombed
in one or both craters on Runit.
Cleanup of Physical Hazards

Physical hazards would be removed from all islands in the atoll.

2. Obstructions to the development of housing and agriculture areas
would be removed from the residential and agricultural islands.

The structures end facilities developed or rehabilitated for the

cleanup work force wnich would be useful to the Enewetak people would

be left upon completion of the task, if not required by the United
States Government.

Advisory Controls

The quarantine that was established on Runit by the United States
Air Force during 1972 would continue in effect until it could be shown

that people visiting the island would receive the smallest dose possible.

2. The Enewetak people could live only on the southern islands Jinedrol
through Kidrenen. The could not live on Enjebi or any of the northern
islands. Based on purely radiological decay and if no remedial measures

regarding local food production were taken, more than 30 years would be

required before the projected radiological doses would fall to acceptable

Select target paragraph3