Biology and Medicine met in.Washington, March 17-18,
Discussions which followed the mesting revealed
that while present pcrsonncl monitoring methods are
not entirely satisfactory, usable portable devices
for adequate incasurement of n.utron flux over a
wide range of energics nave been developed,


respect to biolosical effects, it was agreed that
cataract formation in the eye lens sand action on
the gonads (sterility and genetic effects) were
probably the most critical neutron effects, and that
these need evaluation entirely apart from any
reference to a permissibl: exoosure linit of O.3r

relating to C-14
and to NeutronsDr. Tolbert

Dr, Tolbert reported on the conference conducted

by Dr. Brues of AIL wherein discussions ensued

relating to toxicity of Cl4, He stated that there
was 2 goneral agreement among those attending the
mosting that it would be justified in case a need
did arise to give a person Cl4 in tierapy studies
to integratc the radiation dos over a veriod of
three months for srriving at tolerance levels,

Fallout Studies
from Operations
and Jangle

Mr, Eisenbud presented several slides which
depicted graphs of the fallout studics,


that the results of all weathcr burcau collections
were counted and extrapolated back to the time of

Select target paragraph3