Dr. Douglas Kelley, professor of criminology, UCLA

(Berkeley), Dr. D. G, Ellson, professor of physiology, University of Indiana; Dr. LaMoyne Synder,
Medical Director of the Michigan State Police, and
Profcssor Fred Inbau, Professor of Lew et Northwestern University, Dr. shiclds Warren, Director,
Division of Biology and Medicine, and Capt. J. A.
Waters, Jr., Division of Security.

Cant, Waters

oriented the Committce on the overall aEC security
program and problems related thercto,

He told the

panel that the purpose of the meeting was to gain
the benefits of the vanelts judgment on the reliance
to be placed on the lie detector examination and
also he hoped the panel would sursest objective
experiments through which a sound basis could be
established for forming conclusive judzsmcnts on the
utilization of the lie detector in the security
Dr. Hardie stated that the penol wos of the
opinion that the routine use of th: polygrrph for

personnel screcning is not recouminded althougn it
might be useful in detecting theft of classificd
docunents or material.
The Biophysical
Dr, Claus stated that a syzmosium on the
and Biological
Effects of Neutrons biophysical and biological effects of noutrons
Dr. Claus

soonsored by the Director of the Division of

Select target paragraph3