
of radiation and their sources; radiation
the ability of special instrumentation
levels will be presented.

control and radiation effects on people;

to detect radiation

A major section will present the biological effects of

on cells, animals, and humans.

ment of radiation protection standards,

This section will emphasize the developtheir current use throughout the U.S. and

the world, and the philosophy of maintaining
reasonably achievable.

and to measure radiation

The protection


doses at levels as low as

factors of time, shielding,

removal of radiation sources will be presented.

distance, and

The book will be similar to the

Enewetak and Bikini books previously prepared but will be general and nonspecific
as to islands and radiation levels.
effects as they

are currently understood

currently being expressed

will be printed.

It will openly present sections on radiation
and will cormnent on the diversity of

in the U.S.

About 10,000 copies of this book

It will have full color illustrations

and water-resistant


will be used for good durability.
Those Marshallese
hold public meetings

who participated

in the United States educational visit will

for small groups on the various Marshall

sent a summary of radiation and radiation


will use the book as a guide for presenting


this material.

they have learned.

trative and informational



These charts will be

to help improve their value as illus-

Each teacher or discussion

supplied with a set of these charts.

It is estimated

group leader will be

that 50 to 100 sets will be

Based on their training and their U.S. experience,

to answer questions.


A series of some 20 to

30 charts suitable to use as teaching aids will be provided.
in color and use both English and Marshallese

Islands and will pre-

they will attempt

Questions that cannot be answered will be forwarded to PNL

where a detailed response will be prepared

and returned

for subsequent presentation.

Select target paragraph3