-3- . Visit radiation monitoring and radiation monitoring group observing air sample counting and evaluation practices. The third week, which will be at Brookhaven ● Review of biological experiments o Briefing and visits to medical ● General laboratory tours and visits. x-ray facilities The final week at LLL will concentrate of radioactive materials on environmental in soil, air, and water. this work in the Marshall Islands will be visited. ● Laboratory experiments’at o General laboratory tours and visits o Surrnary of the various programs discussed monitoring radiation effects knowledge and without and radiation effects. performing The visit will provide: and water radiation levels and visited during the U.S. tour. for individuals with no prior radiation or of English will be required. and firsthand experience tection, research work and measurement and evaluation previous college level training in chemistry, A basic understanding is to present an understandable monitoring The LLL laboratories soil, vegetation All of these programs will be designed physics, or math. National Laboratory will “provide: techniques in applied radiation pro- for evaluating The visits will be designed to The intent radiation levels