mmmpemencitt { HEADQUARTERS TASK UNIT Task ae APO 187 (KCW) 7.1 3 q P.O. Box 8 c/o Postrastor Encl (3) San Francisco, California Line -C\) TU-13~-54-375 SUBJ®CT: Of) FY, 12 March 1954 Radiological Survoy. of Downwind tolls Contaminatcd by BRAVO 410545 E AVAI LABL BEST CO PY 1. Acknowledgement, The members of the survcy tcam wish to cxpress thcir appreciation to the Captain, officers and manbers of tho crew of the USS NICHOLAS (DDE 449) for thoi: assistance and cooperation in conducting tho survey herein roported, Captain Elliot turned over all possible facilitics of his ship in ordcr to assist in the survey. LT Frink, the Executive Officcr, organized all the operations of tho boat partics, and it was only through his personal dircction and participation that it was possible to carry out the small boat surveys under cxtremly difficu ccnditions, Since most of the lagoon waters wore not navigable by a DDE, it was neccessary to make long boat trips in high scas and land on tricky coral recfs, That it was possible to makc, without mishap, a detailed survey of five widely DOF O319 2. Introduction The BRAVO Shot contaminated a number of atolls in gercrally castward dircetion from Bikini to such an cxtent that it becamo neccessary to evacuate the native populations from Rongclap, Alinginac and Utirik Atolls and the military persannel on Rongcrik Atoll, Following this cvacuation CJTF SEVEN organized the subject detailed radiological survey of the atolls to the castward of Bikini (Ref. CUTF SEVEN Eniwctok 060400Z). the following purposes: t Fokd: BM Yl -b0A 267 2ef/3 . ‘, Access Lecation < RG 181 AGENCY /NRDL scparatecd atolls in the course of three days with only two boats was largely duc to his efforts, . e The data from this survey wero requircd for ae The cvaluation of the radiation cffcets on cvacuccs, b. Tho cstimation of the clapsed time before rcoccupancy. c. The cstimation of tho residual radiation cffects of large yiclds surface dctonations, | 3 In connection with this survey, tcams from various Task Groups and Mr, Wilds, Trust Territory Ropresentative, returned to the atolls to secure the evacuated habitations, service military equipment, and obtain documcntary photc— graphye SAN 3. Operational Schedule 8 March - 0800 Survey tcam rendezvous aboard USS NICHOLAS (DDE 449) in Rongclap Lagoon, . SR 213-5¢-3E Brev «. BRUNO Fre wee . CLASSIFICA TIONG Benicors) — iid meee 8Y AUTHORITY GF DOELOC WE Y a 72.3/8h DATE KLE DAA VEralle to OB, oc dotted 61)6/ 97 nbllte A e