





ole. cal Survoy of Dowwind tc -s C. vaminated by BRAVO ©

8 March ~ 1000 - 1800

Two partics in smll boats surveyed living arcas

9 March ~— 0700 - 1130

Two partics in smll boats mtocecded from the Du

on Rongclap Island and castern half of Rongclap Atoll.

which was stationed outside Utirik Atoll and surveyed

Utirik and fon Islands, the main islands of the Atoll,

9 March ~ 1500 - 1700 Onc party in a small boat landod on tho outer
reef of Bikar Island and survoyed tho island, the only
large island of Bikar Atoll,

10 March ~ 0700 = 1100 Two partics in small boats proccoded from the Di
which was stationed outside Rongcrik Atoll and surve:"

Fniwectak Island (whero the Task Forco's Units had bc
stationed) and the other important islands of tho Ati]

1O March ~ 1430 —- 1980 Two partics in small boats procecded fromthe DI
which was stationed outsido Alinginac toll and surveo,
the inhabited islands of the Atoll,
11 March ~ 0700 = 1400 Onc party ina small boat surveyed the northwesi
ern islands of Rongclap <itoll and one party, rochecke<
the living arcas on Rongelap Island and esthblishcd a
refcrence location for future decay measurements,
12 March ~ 0800

Survoy toam arrived Mniwctok iitoll via DDE,

The following pcrsonncl from tcst projccts in TG 7.1, TU 13, scrved as

members of the survey tcam:

Herbert Scoville, Jr,
Richard Rast

TU-~13 Staff
Project 2,1

Yalmer Strope

Project 6.4

Richard Soule

Project 2.5a

The USS NICHOLAS (DDE 449) suppliod boat crows under the dircction of LT Cliffox

Frink, Executive Officcr, for surveys.




Radiac sect AN/PDR-39 was sclectcd as the instrument to be used in the

conduct ef the survey,

Fivo (5) cach of AN/PDR-39 were calibrated with an 80

Curie Co™
source twenty-four hours before departure. The calibration yicldcd =
zcro variation between instrummts - any scale. Upon cross checking three of

+hoese instruments, (a point of actual survey) in a radiation ficld of 0.320 rf.
it was found that all three instruncnts gave the same reading.
These survey meters wore subject to prolonged
tions of dampness (to the point of sca wator splashing
and continual rough handling. With ono cxecption, all
efficiently for the duration of the operation. On the

use under adverse condi—
over thom), salt dcposit
instrumnts opcratcd
final day it was found

Select target paragraph3