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Sha Regen: Dae!

to Banta

PROT yo FFi. Lae Soothers

A Ben:
Bey A oy ty

September 23. 1°58

Dr. Allyn H. Seymour
Division of Biology and

Uu. &. Atomic Pnergy Commission

Waehington 25, D. C.


Deér Al:
Following a televhone conversation with you this

merning, Dr. Donaldson nas asked me

to send you information

concerning the“dlet of the Rongelanese.

Enclosed are copies of notes which hive bearing on
the diet of the Kongelspese.
Information on the medicinsl uses
of some vclants has also heen ineluded.
[It must be remembered

that many factors affecting reliability are involved tn obtsining such information. Therefore, it is to be exnected thet

there will be diascrepanciss and even contradictions between
information obtained at different times or even at the same time

from different informants.

You will remembar that this and

other problems in evaluating the dict of tne Fonvelapese were
discussed at «& moeting which you attended on lo July at the

Diviston of Blolory and Medicine.

In an attempt to obtain sone help with this matter,

conversations were held with Mr. William Whita, Asst. DISTAD.


on 5 Sentember.

He was not abdle to give us any specific

information concerning the diet but expressed the oninion that

the diet of the Ranmgelarese 1s not commirable to that
of other
reople in the Marshalls. largely bectuse of the imvorted foods,

orimertly rice und "C-ration’. which they have been receiving.

Mr. White informed us that the Trust territory is
assigning Mr. Neal Morriss-s Resident Azriculturallsat at Pongelen etarting in October or November.
Mr. Morrigs will be at
Pongelen during the next survey in March and his hel~ in this
and other matters should be valuable, since he will nave had the
time tc estsblish the necessary rapnort witn the Rongelapese.

While at Fongelar

further checking on the source of

locally grown foods leaves no doubt that @ considerable oro-

oortion of the food eaten eat Fongelav Islend is collected from

Fnisetok Island.

This is

now at the peak season.

sarticularly true of Pandanus which is

Probably on the order of cne-third of

the Pandanis consumed at Rongelep Island hes been harvested at



Select target paragraph3