prehensive air sampling during 12 consecutive months under
conditions closely approxinating human habitation and soil
disturbance would provide more accurate data on which to base
inhalation exposure estinates.

The Enewetak People advise that catchment rainwater is the customary
principal source of water for human consumption.

Except in

emergencies, water from underground lenses is not consumed.

Samples of underground water were not obtained during the survey,
and radiochemical analytical data on lens water is limited to that

obtained from a few samples taken on JANET in 1971.

A thorough jens

water sampling, analysis, and assessment program requires sanpling

through a full rain-dry season cycle, 12 consecutive months at

Arrangements for sampling fresh water lenses are

being made,

It is the opinion of the Task Group that the resuits of additional
air sanpling or lens water sampling probably would not significantly
change the dose estinates in NVO~-140 nor change the reconmmendstions of this Task Group.


A review of the radiation protection standards and puides considered bv
the Task Group to be applicable to Enewetak is presented in Appendix ITI.
This review indicates that the numerical standards and radiation protection

philosophy of both national and international standards bodies are similar.

Vey 4,


Select target paragraph3