
The Survey report, plus the Master Plan for Rehabilitation and resettlement of Enewetak Atol1l*, provide an accurate, comprehensive,
and up-to-date assessment of the likely living patterns and diet of

the Enewetak people.

Several important components of the Enewetakese diet are either not
now available on the atoll, or are available in quantities which are
small compared to the needs of the people.
available at all, but will be reintroduced.

Pigs and chickens are not
No breadfruit is growing

now; pandanus and tacca are growing only in scattered locations; and
coconut is growing in quantity only on the southern islands.


fruit, pandanus, tacca, and coconut must be planted and will begin
to produce crops after about eipnt years.
Radiation dose estimates for these foods have had to be based on

correlations with plants and animals now present on the atoll and on
inferences drawn from earlier surveys on Bikini and Renpelap.


are many data points, and these correlations provide the best method
currently available for estimating internal exposures.


the method is not as reliable as direct measurement of the foods
produced in the areas of concern.


Air sampling at Enewetak, accomplished largely during a three
week period in Decerber 1972 on uninhabited northern islands,
showed extremely low levels of airborne radioactivity.


*"Enewetak Atoll Master Plan for Isiand Rehabilitation and Resettlement,"
(3 Vols.), Holmes and Narver, Inc., Nov. 1973.

Select target paragraph3