

Howard Ce Brown, Jre

February 26, 1951

the Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory within the Navy, for carrying
out the experiments, collecting data, and reporting it through the
Project Officer to the Program Director. With the extension of Project

5el to include AEC participation, the Radiation Instruments Branch within
the Atomic Energy Commission would have similar responsibilities for

carrying out the experiments, collecting data and reporting through the
Project Officer to the Program Director. Under this arrangement I, representing the AEC, am the person responsible for reviewing, supervising and,
where necessary, directly engaging in the testing of AEC instruments and

equipment to assure that the AEC phases of Project 5.1 activities are conducted so as to give the information desirede

In addition to performing the duties associated with this responsibility,
I have agreed to make whatever time I can available to the other collaborating agenciese I will be willing to render every possible assistance to
the Director of Task Group 3.1, Program Director, Lte Commander Delano and
to the Project Officer, Lt. Cole Earle Mitchell. To better acquaint you
with my plans regarding travel, the following is my proposed travel agenda:

March 6 — Leave Washington by airplane.

March 7 = Arrive in Los Angeles. Will pick up additional colori~
metric dosimeters at UCLA and will discuss testing

procedures with Dr. Tapline

March 8 = Will pick up dosimeters at the A. 0. Beckman Corporation
in Pasadena, California and may also visit Consolidated
Engineering regarding their interest in the production
of Dre Ce. C. Lauritsents electrostatic dosimeter. Will
leave San Francisco by train or planee
March 9 = Will arrive in San Francisco and will proceed to the Naval
Radiological Defense Laboratories at Hunters Pointe Will
pick up a few instruments which were developed under con=
tract to the AEC and will review this development program
in order to determine whether their contract should be

March 10 & 11 -Attend to personal matters in preparation for overseas

March 12 =

Report to Task Group authorities and take care of last

March 13 =

Board Ship.

minute preparations prior to boarding shipe

March 14 = Transport will leave Oakland, California.

March 27 =

Will arrive at Forward Areas

My travel schedule coming back from the Forward Area will depend on whether
or not I will participate in the Harwell, England, Conference on Instrumentation, the date of which has not been firmly established. In any case, I will
plan to participate in two shots at the Forward Area and should report back

to work around the first of May 1951.

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