


detachment in documenting all instances of medical treatment.


serves as the primary source of information on accidents? particu~arlY
minor accidents and injuries which do not result in lost time but
serve as important indicators of areas of activity possibly needing

additional attention.

The major recommendation here is that better

and more timely use be made of these reports than is presently being

It is reconrnendedthat a daily review of this report be made

~lcer to assure that work-related reports are
by the Atoll Safety 05=”
brought to the attention of supervisors of related operations in a
timely nanne~.

It is zlso recommended these accident or injuries

which ~-e not last-tirieaccidents b’~twhich are “non-trivial”* be
investi~ate3 znd reviewed hy t%

Atoll Safety Committee.

been occurring on the -l~ali. These can only be reduced by alert
supervisory personnel, ‘knowledgeableworkers, and an aggressive safety


This is es~eciall-ytrue
because of the hazardous environment~

long working hours, and old equipment in use on this project.



The description of the EnewetalkSafety Program is contained

in EAI 5601 (Program for Construction Safety), EAI 5602 (Heat Injuries),
EAI 5603 (Occupational Safety and Health), EAI 5604 (Report of Unsafe
and Unhealthful Working Conditions) and EAI 5605 (Hater Safety).

* “~$on-trivial”in the sense that they were not simply due to minor
lapse of attention and those that agpear to have factors involved
which could easily have caused a more serious accident.


Select target paragraph3