ANNEx 3-c:




---The following elements of the OSH program were reviewed:


program desc~iption, standards and instructions, accident reports,
inspection activities, safety related training act%vities~ hazards
review, and Safety “committee activities.

: . ..

During this review, discussions

were held with the follawing individuals: y!

Lloyd Colio (JTG Safety

Officer], A.J. Bennett (H&N Safety Officer), Maj ‘lTnrash(USAEEElement
ConunandingOfficer), Sgt Smith (USAF Element Safety Officer),
CDR Coulapides (USN Element Commander), Chief Wailer (USN Element),
I&D~ R%amey (tISN 21ement””DeputyCommander), }Q!JBirchfield (Acting
Comrmnder, USA gleneiitand Safety Officer), lLT MacVeigh (USA Element
Operations Officer), ad


Dick Powell (Eberline contractor).

Overall, the safe.~ypzogram appears to be satisfactory.


num3er of Department of Defense (DOD), Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA)
and Service aihinistxative requirements do not appear to be met.
These are discussed in detail below.

However, the basic elements

of a safety progxarmaxe actively being pursued withia the staffing
existinq on the Atoll.

Of paramount importance is the

concern and Friority given to safety by the Atoll and Service element

This was reflected both in the knowledge evidenced by

by the Service element commanders of the safety program requirements
and applicable safety standards and instnctions”and

in the large

improvement in the safety conditions of the work environment on the
Atoll . Also to be coriunended
is the thoroughness of the medical



Select target paragraph3