Interest in the relative risk of 131) taken internally and external
radiation dose to the thyroid relates to radiation protection and medical care
issues. Unfortunately for those interested in obtaining information on this
important issue, the complex mixture of radionuclides taken up by the Marshallese precludes such an analysis.
The results obtained for these studies are
specific to the case where the thyroid dose was due to a mixture of shortlived radioisotopes of iodine, some of which were produced by the decay of
tellurium within the body. Current information on animal and human data Was
summarized recently in NCRP Report 80 (2). The Committee concluded that
was less then one third as effective for thyroid cancer induction as external
tadiation. This can not be compared ddyectly to the results of the present
study because of the small amount of
I in the Marshallese exposures. In
most animal studies, which used rodents, high TSH levels were found to be

necessary co-factors for thyroid cancer induction.

Thus, goitrogen plus 131 I

exposures were needed to induce thyroid cancer, except in several studies

using Long-Evans rats yhich behaved differently from all other strains
studied. Results of
I treatment of children for hyperthyroidism were
reported in two large studies.
In reviewing results of treatment of nine
children, Sheline et al. (9) found that all of them subsequently developed
thyroid nodules and one was diagnosed as having of thyroid cancer,

about which

there was disagreement regarding pekhology. None of those children received
thyroid replacement therapy after
I treatment, and all presumably developed
high endogenous TSH levels.
In Los sgetes, at a later date, 73 children were
treated with approximately the same
I dose, all were placed on thyroid
replacement, and none developed thyroid nodules (10). Thus the relative risk
of thyroid dose from internal emitters compared to external radiation for
Marshall Islanders may be influenced by a high TSH co-factor, since thyroid
replacement therapy began 11 years after exposure.

Replacement therapy was

recomended only for the high-dose group which, at that time, was thought to

be the people at Rongelap.

Also no increased incidence of thyroid cancer was sesT in large numbers
of human subjects exposed to similar or higher doses of
I in the treatment
of thyrotoxicosis (11),


or in children given 13ly in lower diagnostic doses

Hypothyroidism is a nonstochastic effect of fonizing radiation exposure,
with estimated threshold for induction of 2000 rad to the thyroid (1).

In the

Marshallese children, whose thyroids were exposed to doses in the several
thousand rad range, hypothyroidism and increased TSH levels certainly existed
in the early years following exposure. In later years, uneven acceptance of
thyroid supplementation by children may have led to persistent increased TSH
levels. The combination of high TSH and high internal and external radiation
doses may account for the unusually high incidence of nodules in this population, and in the unusual age distribution of sensitivity.

The numbers of individuals in the study are small, and statistical segregation of the interacting factors is not possible. Thus, it will be difficult
to draw precise conclusions from this study with respect to apportionment of
risk between internal and external doses


rhe differences between

external radiation in this circumstance.

A simple statistical model was used

the reqiological characteristics of
I, and
I and the larger doses
I and
I make it difficult to assess the relative risk of
I and

(3) to indicate the one sigma confidence interval.
This confidence interval
1s indicated in the following paragraph in parentheses.
The standard deviation of the risk estimate, E, was 1.5 times the average value for the risk
estimate, and development of this standard deviation was given by Lessard et



Select target paragraph3