NEUTROPHILS LYMPHOCYTES “FTrTTrrrTrrrrrrtrrryrrftrrrrrrtrtrriryfitit “agp apr 100 80 L = 4 et Ch = 29 AILINGNAE i 80+ pa = [| 100 {] _ pt tot tt ft , 2 fe 120; AILINGNAE Pd " Oo = 80+ Baea EAL:4 o 7 1207 ytiniK : 100 b. Pa ao 2 4 6 B 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 YEARS POST-EXPOSURE _ Lt) t [] —r jf tb gd tk onl 4, Da 120+ RONGELAP it a 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 YEARS POST-EXPOSURE ~TYTTTTTTrTrrtrtrrrrrtrrirrrrrrrit+trrrisggyTrrrt Ie) - surest “ 80 + (ly 120+ RONGELAP (a) 4 ar eootieT ial 80 + 4 y, Ss | | _ 120+ UTIRIK bE pee ; = eb oS | eet 4 ttt ttt + y 120 UTIRIK ] fe La oo ttt yy 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26-28 30 32 YEARS POST-EXPOSURE | a T 60 S | AILINGNAE = 120+ | | 4 ¥, | 4 4 = 80; } +4 PLATELETS-FEMALES Pr~meperrryrrridtrFrrrrrytrryyfrerfer 2 AILINGNAE © 120+ y : PLATELETS-MALES “Ter | c + Ho | en pe [era ars ; Et ] L it tn 1 UTE US)4 a UTIRIK TYTTTyTYTrrrrrirrref+rpgsettfttfttftttttdy go | , ss te 120+ RONGELAP lal 7 120+ RONGELAP 100 + TIrTT a] 80 Lit} | p_EL_Eaet ty? ty f pba dt fp py gd Pd dk 2 4 6 B 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 YEARS POST-EXPOSURE Figure 2. Mean bloodcell counts of the different exposure groups (age 5 years or more) expressed as percent of control, beginning two years after exposure. Values for both sexes are grouped for neutrophils and lymphocytes. Detailed annual observations on Utirik blood cell counts were not begun until 1973. Leukocyte differentials or platelet counts were not obtained for six and five annual examinations, respectively, although for graphing purposes the 100% line has not been broken at those years.