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realization of atoll research with agricultural crops is

sufficient funding; only through a persistent and well-thought
out formulation to generate interest will the agencies capable
of financing such research justify allocation of the necessary

Summary and Conclusion

By way of summary, Bikini Atoll was surveyed by the 1967
Bikini Radiological Resurvey team.

The many islands were

thickly vegetated with wild plants in most areas.

Few coconuts

exist on these islands; few or no subsistence crops are found on

While a small part of the atoll was damaged by the nuclear

explosions, the atoll as a whole could support coconut groves and
subsistence crops.
The lagoon has large schools of fish capable of providing
the former Bikini people with an extended supply of sustenance.
seabirds are also found in large numbers throughout the atoll.
In order for the atoll to become fully self-supporting when

the Bikinians are repatriated, an early agricultural rehabilitation program is recommended.

The method of rehabilitation is

clearly spelled out to expedite the development of the islands.

Since the coconut groves and subsistence crops would be
started under almost-virgin conditions,

it would be advantageous

to combine the rehabilitation with an intensive research program
On atoll crops.

<A cooperative program with other agencies or

research institutions its suggested to lessen the financial burden
of the Trust Territory Government in undertaking such a program.


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