nercsronr —_DE/PASO “Bo Ef.VV — AS. “ExnoA* 2 COLLECTION FOX No. eae Heme eee 402144 ig -W760 da. CONARD ——2L zhu (2/ 19 23 February 26, 1975 Honorable Edward E. Johneten High Commissioner Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Saipan, Mariana Islands 96950 | : §==BEST COPY AVAILABLE Dear Mr. Johastoa: Your letter dated February 6, 1973, concerning the payment of travel and per diem expenses of the Trust Territory personnel accempanying the AEC Medical Surveys, has been referred by Dr. Conard to this office fer reply. This letter will serve te reaffirm our understandings relative to the funding of the regular AEC sponsored Medical Surveys in the Marshall Ielands. a. The AEC will fund and pay the costes of Dr. Cenard and his associates participating in the Medical Surveys. The AEC will fund and pay for the travel and per diem costs of the Trust Territory personnel who are invited by Dr. Conard and approved by your office to participate in the surveys. As an example, in the forthcoming March 1975 sarvey the travel and per diem expenses of the following Trust Territery personnel are authorised, and the AEC will reimburee the Trust Territory for their travel and per diem costa. (Reference Dr. Conard'e letter te you dated January 3, 1973). OFFICE > laer/ ehy SURNAME > penne eee e nee ee eafedi ence al nne a paepbete eneeee 2/26/73) Ape DATE p |.../aeLs“Awho. eeceeevaeeeneen-eeees Form AEC-318 (Rev. 9-53) AECM 0240| eae W BHills |2/26/73 U. 8, GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1970 © - 405-346 erty