
"Le Wydexwete—


Neca top


Velopmart office

Majuro, Marshall Islands 96960

April 2,1973

Dr.Walter E.iervik


University of California
Lawrencs Livermore Laboratory



Livermore, California 94550

Dear Walt:
Here are some additional data regarding Enewetak. They includes the poison
fish (ciguatera) situation on the a.oll, and proposed villaze locations.
I suzzgest that you insort tnese data where acpropriate in my report.

Poison fish (ciguatera)

Ciguatera. is found on Snewetak Atoll (or was when the people Lived there)
accordins to reliable inforuants from that atoll, These include: Han (Red

apper), IdL Gmllet), ..2zo Glue parrot fish), Jawe (ass), =
Luknou} (Dink
parrot fishy, LbtSt (7), avai or Wuran (r), and Jat oor Luab (ou
and Drep (iioray e2e1).

(Identification (Znglésh names) are from Report of a Survey of the Fish
Poisoning @roblen in tne Marshall islands,lS GeicgT PHS, Jan.l7Y, imea.
You undowotedly nave data supplied by er.fthilip ilelfrich rezardin: tne
eLzuatera problem on Lnewetax. I pickeu up a cony or one of his revorts
While JT was on unewetex Lust vctober which ovtlined the subject as a zuide

{end warnins) to personnel on tne atoll.

ce attached.

He should be able to provide additional identification and data,
¥illace Settleient Pattern
AY tue uaewatax xenebilitvation Planning Conference held in Honolulu february

21-22,1°73 tne followin: staven ent regarding future village settLenent pattern
was made by Martistrate suithn Jidoon:
wa —

Mic [ine Rneévatax Atoll People7 decided wnat the settlexent pattern,
villarze locations would be onenewetak in the future. They are:

wtijebi Island, one on i:edren (Perry) Shand,

one on

and one on tingywat 2k Island.

Japtan (David) will be a touporary location from tne besinnuinz of the

progran, Yne Workers from Ujilaaz: will be housed there, rney will wait
on Jabtan, and will live ters until the rest of the atoll is ready for





Informants have told me that the poisonous fish on Bnewetek Atoll were found
on the Wincward side primarily. Tuey were foumd dn tne snjebi area and islands
on the eastern (windward) sice of the atoll. It is said tnat the Leeward sida,
toward tiie south and west of the atoll wos relatively free of fish poisoning.
Poisonous fish (Iik karek) are said to Live in the lagoon and ocean reef area.

Select target paragraph3