Bokantuak-lomelefi-Rojkere-Eonjebi Islands
Tne four islands are situated between Bikini and Enyu
islands along the eastern portion of the atoll.

They are all

tiny islands, quite low and subjected to frequent inundation
by high seas.

The soil contains little organic matter and is

elemental coral and sand.
ground in many places.

Large coral slabs protrude from the

Sparse growths of Messerschmidia,

Scaevola and Suriana are the principal types of vegetation on
these islands; ground cover is mostly Lepturus and Triumfetta.
A large population of seabirds, noddies and fairy terns,
resides on the islands; many nests are found throughout the
shrubbery and grasses.


Aerokoj-Eneman Complex

of Energy




This two-mile chain of narrow islands is found nine miles

west of Enyu Island and consists of five islands----Aerokojkoj,
Aerokoj, Bikdirin, Dredre and Eneman----all united by partly
eroded causeways.

The two eastern islands,

about a mile in

length, were used as a campsite for AEC personnel during the
nuclear tests.

A small runway and old buildings of the com-

pound not now in use are toward the north end of these islands.
The soil is relatively fertile and many thick stands of
vegetation in lush growth cover these two islands.
cipal types of plants are Scaevola,

The prin-

Messerschmidia and Pluchea

with ground cover of Triumfetta and Fimbristylis.


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