seedlings growing around the camp installation are in fair
growth; the few that are bearing fruit have large fruit bunches,
a fair indication that coconut palms will grow well on this end
of the chain.

A very large concrete building is located on the south end
of Aerokojkoj.
The western islands are much less suitable for plant growth

due to their drier condition and infertile soils.
rock is found on the islands.

Much coral

The vegetation consists of

Scaevola, Messerschmidia, Pluchea, Fimbristylis, Ipomoa and


A 200 foot steel tower is found on Eninman Island

along with many concrete bunkers used to house and support
equipment and instruments during the nuclear tests.
There are several tidal pools in low depressions on Dredre
and Bikdrin Islands in which large mullets and milk fish are
Large members of seabirds of several species use the
isiand as refuge.

Enidrik, Lukoj
and Jelete Islands

Department otf Energy
istorian’s Office

Enidrik Island is situated a mile west of Eneman Island;

its length is about 7900 feet and provides about 60 acres of
land area capable of crop production.

Much of the island is

now covered with thickly-growing vegetation of Scaevola,
Messerschmidja, Guettarda, Cordis, and Pisonja.

Ground cover is

made up of Lepturus, Pimbristylis, Ipomog, and Triumfetta.


Select target paragraph3