
Magnetic Spectrometer (AEC Project 2961)

J. Motz

This instrument measures absolute intensity of spectral distribution by determining the number of Compton electrons ejected in

the forward direction from a thin beryllium foil.

It is now set

up to measure the spectra from a 1400 kv X-ray tube.

Electron Tube Studies (AEC Project 2910)

H. 0. Wyckoff, Chief

Radiation Physics

Studies of the interaction of electrons with matter.


problems include depth dose in different atomic number materials
and distribution of ionization in gases.


Positive Ion Tube (AEC Project 2910) and

(Neutron Attenuation, AEC Project 2968)

R, S, Caswell

This instrument is presently being converted from a 0.5 ma 200 kv
proton source to a high intensity neutron source. It will be
used first to determine the attenuation of monoenergetic high
energy neutrons in water.


Radiation Attenuation Studies

(AEC Project 2909)

H. O. Wyckoff

Present problems include the attenuation of betatron radiation

and the oblique attenuation of Cobalt-60, Cesium-137 and gold-198

gamma rays.

Betatron Building


50 Mev betatron, 180 Mev synchrotron,

Studies of high energy

X-ray interactions with matter. Personnel protection recommendations in new NCRP handbook for high energy electron accelerators,

X-ray spectrometer measurements of the energies of high


Calorimeter measurements of X-ray beam intensities.


Concrete attenuation studies.


Energy dose rate measurements in water using anthracene

energy X-ray photons.

(H. W. Koch, Chief, Betatron Section)

(J. McElhinney)

scintillation crystals.

(H. W. Koch)

(H. W. Koch)

Select target paragraph3