-3Radiation Physics laboratory

Radiation Monitoring System

(AEC Project 2971)

L. Costrell, Chief

Nucleonic Instrumentation

This project is for the development of a system for the monitoring
of fall out from atomic bomb bursts. Several remotely located
detector stations are interrogated over a radio link by the
operator at the control station. In response to this interrogation, the detector stations radio the desired data back to the
control station where it is displayed visually and also automati-

cally stamped on a digital recorder.
View of Main Laboratory Bay.


Film Dosimetry (partly supported by
AEC Project 2921) and (Photographic
Emulsion Sensitivities)

G. Ehrlich

Investigation of emulsion properties and processing procedures,
development of a dosimeter designed to measure the prompt

radiation from an atomic explosion, and intercomparison of

the present personnel monitoring services of the various AEC
health physics installations,


Evaluation and Testing of Radiation

Instruments (AEC Project 2921)

F. H. Day

Study of new types and developmental prototypes of radiation
detecting and measuring instruments including energy dependence,

dose rate dependence, and over-all operational characteristics.
The calibration of dosimeters and survey meters using 7-curie

Cobalt—60 sources as well as the 500 and 1400 kv X-ray generators.

Cavity Ionization (partly supported

by AEC Project 2909)

F. H. Attix

Study of cavity ionization chamber response as a function of
wall material and photon energy leading to development of
secondary standard and strongly energy dependent chambers.

Measurement of Very Soft and High
Intensity X-rays

F, H. Day

Low energy guarded-field ionization chamber used for determining
chamber design criteria as well as for regular calibration of

instruments in the 5 - 50 KV range and at dosage rates up to

100,000 roentgens per minute,

Select target paragraph3