virtually all of which were conducted at one site by one contractor.
By this time DuPont had ceased to be Hanford’s prime contractor and General Electric had
acquired the managing and operating contract and assurned reaponsthilityfor producing

nintonium. As well as overseeing site phuonium production activities, the operations office had

io ensure 4 smooth transition from DuPont to General Rlectric. in this periad, facilities, euch as
the Hantord Laboratories, which conducted research on the ological effects of radinactive

material, were also established at the site. Cne laboratory cussion was the study of the effects of

radioiodine, which was emitted ag 2 waste product from the chemical separations clams.


Hanford production facilities expanded fom 1947 te 1933 to meet Cold and Korean War
demamis for more nuclear weapons, During this period five additional production reactors were

built at Hanford Thus, the Hantord Operations Office haul to overses 4 large construction

program while it supervised increasingly efficient phuoniun production activities, By 1249
approximately 63,000people lived in the Richland ares, end most of them were employed in the
plant or at the operstions office. At that time the Hanford plants emploved more than one-fourth
ofall contractor personne! engaged in operating atomic energy plants and two-thirds of all
construction workers engaged im bullding atomic enerey glants.
By the mid 1950s the operations office was overseeing the operation of eight production reactors
at Hanford. The resctors were run aroundthe clockand immrovements to the three reactors built
during the war allowed them to be run at higher than desmmed powerlevels. In the 1960s, one
additional reactor, called the Mew Production Reactor, went ime operstion at Hanford. Kk was
dual purpose reactor, designed to oreduce phionium and electric power. Like the other Hantord

reactors, it was graphite maderaied and water cooled.

By the mui 1960s the AEC had met all Depariment of Defbnse requirements for nuclear weapons
production and had created 2 huge arsenal of nuclear weapons. Accordiuly, President Lyndon
%. Johnson decided to reduce nuclear materials orowhuction and presented it as a disarrnament
measure in his 1964 State of the Union address. As 4 resull, over the next seven years, the AEC
shut down all Banfhrd production reactors, save for the New Production Reactor.

Ag this ime the Hanford ares was 2 one uulustry town. Agoroumately 8200 people worked
either in site plants or m the operations office. Virtually all were dependent directly or indirectly
on plutonienproduction activiies. The AEC, accordingly, tock steps to keep the area
economically viable by undertaking ite Hanford diversification program, aiming to tring new
industry and contractors nie the aren. The operations office’s maior task curing the remainder of
the decade was to oversee the Hanford diversification program for the ABC.


The AEC moved quickly to implement the diversification program. In 1964 the AEC committed
to the use ofmultiple comractors at the sive and selected Battelle Memorial Institute of Cohunbus,
Chic as one of the first of them. In 1965 Battelle contracted to run the Hanford Laboratories,
newly designated as Pacific Northwest Laboratory. The AECthen decided to bulld the Fast Plax

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