constrained by several external influences.

Its revision was dictated

by the impact on the typhoon-related delay and of certain logistics
factors of which all concerned are now aware.

It must be understood

that even in the original schedule for the field survey, it was not
anticipated that the soil survey results could have any timely and
meaningful impact upon cost estimating by DNA in the February 1973 timeframe.

There were, numerous discussions on Kwajalein with the DNA

engineering survey personnel.

DNA was assured at that time that NV

would continue to support the engineering survey on whatever scheduie
DNA might adopt.

The revision of the schedule for the radiological

Survey was an attempt to maintain momentum and assure utilization of
the committed helicopter support.

The program as outlined recognizes

that the survey is now decoupled from Palumbo and, to all intents and
purposes, from PACE.

Thus the window for field operations is less

constrained and more optimum scheduling now is possible considering
impact upon base support.

The program also puts the hazardous and most

physically demanding soil and biota program at a time when improving
rather than deteriorating weather may be expected.

November 1972

Select target paragraph3