and asked whether it would be reasonable for them to come ahead on
approximately November 1 and remain at Kwajalein until Eniwetok could
receive them.

Lt. Colonel Robinson indicated that he had already asked

Kwajalein whether the necessary support could be made available and
asked Mr. Ray to follow up on that question.

Mr. Ray advised Colonel

Robinson that he could not and would not modify the existing deployment
and support request but that he would see to it that an appropriate
modification to the request was sent to CINCPAC.

Late that same evening,

CAPT McDyer of the First Marine Air Wing in Japan telephoned Mr. Ray at
Kwajalein to confirm the understanding with MAG 36.

These two telephone

calls, neither of which was originated by Mr. Ray, were his only direct
communications with military organizations other than DNA concerning
the helicopter resources.

The following day, however, Mr. Ray received

an information copy of a First Marine Air Wing message to COM, Seventh
Fleet, wherein he was badly misquoted as to the extent of storm damage
at Eniwetok.

Mr. Ray, therefore, originated a message correcting that


By this time, the Manager, NV, had asked Mr. Ray to come

to Honolulu to meet with him, and so, in the message correcting the
storm damage information, Mr. Ray requested a coordinating meeting with
appropriate CINCPAC representatives in Honolulu.

an info addressee on that message.
LCDR Brown and Mr. Earl Gilmore.

Director, DNA, was made

On the same morning, Mr. Ray met with
They discussed with representatives of -

KMR the proposed revised helicopter program and related KMR support

During this period on Kwajalein, there were frequent

discussions of alternatives with LCDR Brown and Mr. Gilmore and HN;

however, each group nad its own detailed problems to deal with, thus
the message from "Ray to CINCPAC’' was net coordinated in advance with
the DNA representative but was shown to him soon after it was dispatcned.

Reschedule of Survey Program (Stretch-out)
ve initial survey schedule was developed by NV to optimize the use of
the resources which had been furnished during a time window which was

Select target paragraph3