of life-span-shortening and incidence of neoplasms.

When plotted against dose,

life-span-shortening and bone sarcoma induction were not linear over the whole
dose range observed.

Life-span-shortening and tumour induction appeared to be

equally sensitive indicators of radiation damage.

There was a good corres-

pondence between life-shortening and tumour induction up to a dose of 880 yCi/kg
but at still higher doses, in spite of a decreased incidence of the bone tumours, life-span further decreased, showing the beginning of a specific nontumorous mechanism of death.


Finkel's [F5] data were reanalised by Mays and Lloyd [M11].

Mice dying

with bone sarcoma had a median life-span from injection to death which decreased rather regularly with increasing average skeletal dose, owing to a shorter latency time of the bone sarcoma incidence at higher doses.
1life-shortening induced by single injections of

An effect of

995, (1.0 or 0.2 pCi/g) was also

described by Van Putten and De Vries [V2] on (CBAxC57BL)F1 hybrid female mice
and these data plotted as the percentage of the control life-span were rather

close to those of Finkel et al.


Similar observations can be made regarding the rat data of Moskalev,

Streltsova and Buldakov [M16] as reanalysed by Mays and Lloyd [M11], since the
average time from injection to death tended to lengthen as the dose decreased
from 500 to 0.005 pCi/kg.

Brooks et al.

A dose-related life-span-shortening was reported by

[B12] in hamster injected with 90.5 (0.2 to 5.0 pCi).

The 60

per cent survival times ranged from 90 days with 2.0 uCi/g to 1100 days at 0.2

In this species, however, myeloproliferative diseases rather than os-

teosarcoma were the most common pathological conditions observed.


Another volume seeker, Ce, was studied in single injections by Finkel

et al.

[F5], and her data were also reanalysed by Mays and Lloyd [M11].


were able to show that median survival time from injection to death in mice
dying with bone sarcoma declined with increasing dose owing to a progressively
early appearance of the bone tumours.


Sarcoma incidence in the bone tissue and life-span-shortening were eva-

luated as a function of dose, dose rate and time in beagle dogs fed from mid
gestation to 1.5 years of age a diet containing 900 [M17].

Under these con-

ditions the observed life-span-shortening was attributed mostly to radiationinduced tumours.

Also, in the same paper a reduction of the delay time in the


Select target paragraph3