


The survival of goats was followed by Hupp et al.

[H8] and by Hupp [HO]

on groups of 11 - 12 animals for each sex submitted to chronic 604, gamma-ray

exposure (3, 7, 15, 30 and 40 R/20 hour day).

Great individual variability

was observed in the survival time at all except the highest dose level.


lethality pattern observed was quite different than that of mice and rats.


males exhibited little exposure rate response in the range of 7-40 R/day, while
males accumulated the maximum exposure at 7 R/day.

Rats and mice, on the con-

trary accumulate maximum exposures at 30-50 R/day [G6].



Casarett [C16] reported briefly on the survival data of dogs (1000 kVp

x rays, 5 days per week at daily exposures of 0.06, 0.12 and 0.06 R/day beginning at 21 months of age).

The accumulated exposures at death in these

three groups varied between 122 and 257 R; between 243 and 465 R; and between
1088 and 2198 R, respectively.

Average ages at death were 13.8, 13.2 and 12.3

years, respectively, the control age being 13.0 years.

Median death age was

13.1 years in the control and 14.1, 13.8 and 12.7 years in the irradiation
"groups, respectively.

In addition to these groups, a similar fractionation

scheme was applied in other groups, giving 3 R/day in 10 minutes for 5 days/
week for a total of 25, 32 and 42 weeks.

Other two groups received 300 and

375 R whole-body at rates of 10 and 64 R/min, respectively.
groups no survival data were reported.

to be found in [N77]

More recent data for the dog are also

(see paragraph 235).


For these latter

Internal irradiation

Irradiation by injected, ingested or inhaled radionuclides is a special

form of localized chronic treatment which is worth considering in relation to
its effects on the life-span of contaminated animals and to the existence of

any non-neoplastic life-shortening effect.

Finkel, Biskis and Schribner [F5] examined the effect of 905, in CF1

female mice injected at 70 days of age with nine acute doses between 1.3 and

2200 pCi/kg.

The same data with a more extended range of doses were also re-

ported by Finkel and Biskis ‘F3] and made the object of a comparative analysis

Select target paragraph3