Marshall Islands Bibliography


Joint Task Force One. Bombs at Bikini, New York: W. H. Wise & Co., Inc., 1947.

Kohn, Henry, referee. "Rongelap Reassessment Project Report," 1 March 1989, EH, DOE.
Lowman, F. G.; Palumbo, R. F.; and South, D. j. The Occurrence and Distribution of
Radioactive Nonfission Products in Plants and Animals of the Pacific Proving

Ground. UWFL-51, TIS Extension, Oak Ridge, NY, June 1957.

Marsh, K. V. and Buddemeir, R. W. Marine Plankton as an Indicator of Low-level
Radionuclide Contamination in the Southern Ocean. UCFL-53549, n.d.
McCraw,T. F., and Lynch, O. D.T., Jr. Exposure Rate Reduction on Bikini Island due to

Concrete Dwellings. AEC Division of Operations Safety and AEC Radiological
Operations Division, June 1973.

Meissner, W. A., and Warren, S. Tumors of the Thyroid Gland, Fascicle 4, 2d Series.

Washington, D.C.: Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, 1969.

NAS-NRC. Advisory Committee on Biological Effects of lonizing Radiation. The Effects on
Populations of Exposure to Low Levels of lonizing Radiation. Washington, D.C-.:
National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, 1980.
Nelson, V. A. Radiological Survey of Plants, Animals and Soil at Christmas Island and

Seven Atolls in the Marshall Islands. NVO-269-32, 1977.

Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection. ICRP

Publication 9. New York: Pergamon Press, 1964.

Report of Public Health Service Off-Site Radiological Monitoring Data, Operation Hardtack,
Phase 1, 1958. Arlington Hall, VA: HQ JTF-7, 1958.

Richard, Dorothy E. United States Naval Administration of the Trust Territory of the Pacific
Islands. 3 vols. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1957.

‘Robison, W. L; Phillips, W. A.; and Colsher, C. S. Dose Assessment at Bikini Atoll. UCRL51879. Part 5, June 1977.

Sea-Floor Observations and Subbottom Seismic Characteristics of OAK and KOA Craters,
Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1986.

Tobin, Jack. "Kili Journal: August 28 to September 18, 1954." Report of the District

Anthropologist, Marshall Islands District. Majuro, Marshall Islands, 21 September

United Nations. Report on the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. New York, 1956.
Welander, D. C. Radiological Studies of the Fish Collected at Rongelap_and Ailinginae

Atolls, July 1957. Washington, D.C.: Office of Technical Services, Department of


Commerce, 1958.

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