Marshall Islands Bibliography


General Accounting Office. Enewetak Atoll--Cleaning Up Nuclear Contamination.
Washington, D.C.: GAO, 1979.

General Accounting Office. Operation Crossroads: Personnel Radiation Exposure Estimates
Should Be Improved: Report to the Honorable Alan Cranston. Washington, D.C.:
GAO, 1985.

General Accounting Office. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Department of the
Interior. Washington, D.C.: GAO, n.d.

Greenhouse, N. A., and Miltenberger, R. P. External Radiation Survey and Dose Predictions
for Rongelap, Utirik, Rongerik, Ailuk, and Wotje Atolls. BNL 50797, 13 December


Gudiksen, P. H.; Crites, T. R; and Robison, W. L. External Dose Estimates for Future Bikini

Atoll inhabitants. UCRL-51879, Rev. 1, March 1976.

Gudiksen, P. H.; Crites, T. R; and Robison, W. L. External Dose Estimates for Future Bikini
Atoll Inhabitants. UCRL-51879, 1976.

Held, E. E. Radiological Resurvey of Animals, Soils and Groundwater _at Bikini Atoll, 1969.

NVO-269-8, November 1969.

Hewlett, Richard G. "Nuclear Weapon Testing and Studies Related to Health Effects: An
Historical Summary.” Prepared for the Director, National Institutes of Health,
October 1980. (Mimeographed)
Holmes and Narver Construction Company. Cleanup, Rehabilitation, Resettlement_of
Enewetak Atoll-Marshall Islands. 5 vols. Available through NTIS, 1974-1975.
Holmes and Narver Construction Company. Conceptual Design Report: Bikini Atoll Enue
Base Facilities prepared for USDO!I/USDOEand the Bikini People.
Holmes and Narver Construction Company. Report of Preliminary Engineering Survey. 7
January 1949.

Holmes and Narver Construction Company. Report of Repatriation of the Rongelap People
for the US Atomic Energy Commission, Albuquerque Operations Office,
Albuquerque, N.M. Holmes and Narver, n.d.

Holmes and Narver Construction Company, AEC Facilities Division. Working at Eniwetok.
Los Angeles: n.p., 1960.

James, R. A. Estimate of Radiation Dose to Thyroids of the Rongelap Children Following
the Bravo Event. UCRL 12273, December 1964.

Joint Task Force One. Operation Crossroads, The Official Pictorial Record. New York: W.
H. Wise & Co., Inc, 1946.

Joint Task Force Seven. Meteorological Report on Operation Hardtack. Pearl Harbor: JTF-7,

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