fie hape - LUE E Headquarter TABK GROUP 7.4, PROVISIONAL United States Air Farce clo 90002 Sire Kirtlend Air Force Bese, Hew Mexico ai 411391 . 1 Bovesiber 1957 SUBJECT: Radiation Dosages for Task Group 7.4 Personnel During RARDTAE Rs Commander Joint Task Force EEVE2 37TH; Major Riehie | Washington 85, B. C,. A. We have compisted an estinate of radiation fosages to be received by Task Group 7.4% personnel during Operation RARDTACK. Results iniicate that only aircrevs of sampling aircraft and possibly af Program 5 effects aircreft can be expected to be axposed to raeiiation dosages greater than the normal operstional limit established by JTF SEVEN for JTF SEVEN personnel during REDWIN). This linit was published in Annex K, JTF SEVEN Operational Plan 1-56, and was ee tablished at 3.9 roentgens (3.9r) for any 1}-veek period. R. We understand that requests for special maxim peruissibie exposures (NPR's) for Program 5 aircrews, if required, will be re- Talchannelge ee Prosecte concernen Sang eek Ore 3. uring REDWING a Limiting dosage of twenty roentgens (20r) wes established for saxpler cress. In actual fact, however, sampler crews achieved an svereage exposure of 5.9 roentgens (5.9r) per man and the maximm individual exposure was 9.8 roentgens (9.8r) while senpling. In addition, es did everyone elee om Enivetck Island, these individuals received sbout two roentgens (@2r) per man fron secidental fallout @uring the operation. hk. We believe that the averege sampler crew meniber guring RARDTAX will bave to be exposed to greater total radiation exposure than this uverage crewnsn during REDWING. ‘There are tvo (2) reasons for this: @ Shere are move shots to be sampled. >». There are nore shots at Bikini, where the dosage is greater than at Enivetok because af the greater fiy-hame distance. 5. Fee ae eee ett netaens Cont the ex BARDIACK will go to approximately eight roentgens (8r) and the maximum | for any individual may go as high as tvelve roentgens (ler) exclusive of possible accidental fallout on Bnivetok. BEST COPYAVAILABLE ! ft Of course, by careful EX TST REVIEWDATE / ERGYREVIEW Py’ f AUTHORITY: ME: oc -2- | CIRCLE NLUMIGER(S) _ | DETERMINATION DF ame Daca po sot a tA” SCrAiNytH (33) w rae Ary LP ANGID TO: 2ND REVIEW-DATE: 10- ° Ad Ti RITY: NAME: ADO Pog CELNDi £4 fT | Ett Aelita” i. ost t xt CLAS ot aE 7. Yvan: 5. CLASSIFICATICH Cay inp 6. CLASSIFIED INF DRACKETS 7. OTHER 3sSPECI: neve Ige ;