BWS0 Bubj: Redist! | Dosages far.YaskGroup 7.4 Per j nel During RANDTACK » , scheduling, we will hold exposures dovn to the minimm possible for each individuel concerned. Miscalculations of one kind or another, Rowever, may take plece. In recognition of this factor, we would like to consider that any doenge in exceas of twenty roentgens (20r) will be considered as overexposure which must be accounted for and explained by supervisory persomel. 6. Many of cur seepler aircrey personnel who will participate in HARUTACK received rediation dosages during pempler operations during PLUNGDOS. The saximm exposure received by any one individual during PUDGD was 6.3 reentgnss (6.5) eal, J anh, ofcourse, the bulk of this ws received during the twelve months preceding HARDTACK. In echeduling much ap possible to mintuize the dosage received by any exe indiviéuel @uring the preceding twelve (22) month period. 7. here is also a rencte possibility that semple recovery creve may require s special exposure lizit for RAMITACK. ay special MPE for semple recovery crevs vould not exceed 5.0r for the operation. We will not request edditional exposure for these personnel unless the operational dosage linite to be established by your Headquarters appear to be inadequate fo2 sample recovery operations. & During BARDTACK, in afdition to the normal sampling effort, WB-5O0 weather reconnaissance crevs will be performing low altitude aempling in support of Project 8.83. At this time we have no adéquste method of predicting crev exposure but we expect that they will be eonsidersbly less than the B-57 sampler crev exposure. ‘They may, hovever, exceed any naninal PS (such as the 3.9r established during 9. With your sencurrence, ve intend to operate on the basis of a twenty roentgen (90r) maxim exposure liait for all sampler aircrevs @uring RARDTACK and, in our scheduling, will give due consideration to erew exposures received during PLUMGBOL. fof PAu . Woomt. | Colonel, USAF ‘ - Beputy Commander Copies to: CINGEAC, ATTN: maj Weller 680 Tel, ATER: mal Sacks en 8 27TH, Me. Goeke » keasen emarancomam, ATH: Lt Col Cody Contr’ SAD . Condr, 8926th Op itBt ree: our