Section 6

At Operation CASTLE, the issuanceof film badges to personnel generally followed one
of two basic procedures: (1) individual or "mission" badging, where personnel were issued
badges when they were expected to enter areas of radioactive contamination other than those
encountered onboard the ships; and (2) cohort badging, where a group of individuals performing
duties in the same area of a ship would be assigned a dose based on the actual reading of one film
badge worn by an individual within the group. Generally, individual badges reflect higher-than_ average doses, whereas cohort badges reflect the average exposure of a group of individuals
during a certain time period. Thetotal dose assigned to an individual was obtained by summing
the recorded doses ofall applicable cohort badges with any individual (mission) badges assigned
to that individual.
In this section, available dosimetry data for each ship are analyzed for the purpose of
comparison with the reconstructed doses for typical crew members.

Cohort dosimetry is

emphasized as most commonly reflecting typical activities. In analyzing cohort dosimetry, only
those film badges whose recorded doses have been assigned to the cohort group are considered;
lost or damaged badges (where the badge wearer has an assessed dose) are not included.
Individual badges are considered during periods only when the entire crew was badged or whenit
is evident that only a portion of the crew was badged but the recorded doses were intended to be
applicable to the unbadged portion of the crew (only dosimetry for RECLAIMER during the
second badged periodfalls into this latter category of badging). The dosimetry data for each ship
are depicted in this section by histograms, each representing a single badging period. Shown in
each histogram are the numberof film badges in each film badge dose "bin," e.g., 0-100 mrem,
100-200 mrem. Film badges recording a zero dose are accounted for in a separate dose bin. With
each histogram is a summary of the corresponding dosimetry, including the dose dates forthe
badging period and the numberof cohort film badges worn during that period. For comparison,
the calculated film badge dose for the same period is also depicted. In manycases, badging
periods are not well defined; detailed investigation was required to develop reasonable estimates of
the actual periods represented by film badge records. Such estimated dates offilm badge issue and
tum-in are noted with each histogram.


Select target paragraph3