the shine dose to MOLALAfrom the YAGs. Depending on their involvement with YAG-related
activities, MOLALA crewmembers could have been entirely below to entirely topside during the
YAG exposures. Thus, shine doses could range from nearly 0 to 2 1/2 times the calculated value.
The uncertainties in the parameters of the ship contamination model, as discussed in
Reference 4, resulted in factor-of-three uncertainties in dose. However, a few data have emerged,
such as on USS CURTISS as discussed in Reference 1, that suggest a much greater systematic
accuracy than this for the model. Therefore, the present uncertainty analysis concentrates on the
random variations of the parameters among ships. The largest such uncertainty is that in the
saturation level of contaminants. The bounding S-values for each type of ship, as determined in
Reference 4, are used. For destroyers, these are 1257 and 2683; for patrol craft, 1624 and 3092,
and for all other ships, 1172 and 2820.
The degree to which the ship apportionment factor, Fg, may be unrepresentative of
average crew positions below was estimated in Reference 4 as a factor of 1.5. This is used herein
except for PC-1546, which has an apportionment factor of .67, vice the .39 or .33 of the other
ship types in this report. Where little shielding is afforded by a ship, its fractional uncertainty
tends to be less. Actually, fractional uncertainties are more constant for the quantity 1-Fg. Onthis
basis, a value of .67+.10 is estimated for PC-1546.

The water intensities affect the time to saturation. However, except where ships moved
frequently from one environmentto another, the rate of buildup of contamination has only a
modest effect on doses. Comparedto the previous uncertainties, that in time spent below also has
a minor impact on the dose from ship contamination.
Calculations are made involving coupled treatments of those components of dose based
on waterintensities. All attendant parameters are taken as systematically high-sided to determine
an upper limit in dose (or low-sided for the lower limit). Thus, the highest water intensities,
saturation levels, and apportionmentfactors are used throughout a crew's operational exposure to
determine the combined upper-limit dose from ship contamination plus water shine. The
uncertainties are taken to be systematic to obtain the greatest credible range of dose as well as to
facilitate the partition of calculated doses into periods for comparison with film badge dosimetry
(section 6).


Select target paragraph3