where, on 17 March, the ship beached on Eneman Island at 1753 hours. The cargo was offloaded during the evening of 17 March and, on 18 March, cargo destined for Enewetak was

LST-1146 departed for Enwetak at 1632 hours on 18 March and arrived at

approximately noon the following day. The ship remained at Enewetak until 22 March, whenit
made another round tmpto Bikini, returning to Enewetak on 25 March.
When Shot ROMEOwasdetonated at Bikini Atoll on 27 March, LST-1146 remained
anchored at Enewetak. During the early evening of 27 March, Enewetak Atoll received relatively
minorfallout from the Shot ROMEOcloud. Fallout commencedat approximately 1700 hours and
peaked at 2100 hours with average intensities of 3 mR/hr being reported on Parry Island; it is
assumed LST-1146 received similar fallout during the evening of 27 March.
Another period of fallout occurred at Enewetak during the late evening of 28 March, but
did not peak until approximately noon on 30 March(see figure 3.14). At 1248 hours, 29 March,
while fallout wasstill occurring at Enewetak, LST-1146 departed for Bikini. Since the Shot
ROMEOcloud was approaching Enewetak from the east, and LST-1146 was steaming on an
easterly course, cessation of fallout on the ship occurred somewhatearlier than it did on Enewetak,
where it peaked at noon on 30 March. Further, since the duration of fallout on the ship wasless
than on Enewetak,there is a corresponding decrease in peak shipboard intensities when compared
to the 9 mR/hr peak on Enewetak. When the cloud's trajectory and the ship's course and speed are
‘superimposed, fallout deposition on LST-1146 terminates at approximately 0200 hours on 30
March, with an estimated peak intensity of 7.5 mR/hr. An entry in the deck log of LST-1146 at
1802 hours, 29 March, which states "Secured number1 fire and flushing pump and put number 2
on line.”, indicates that the crew was aware of the fallout at this time and was conducting
washdown. At 0200 hours, 30 March, LST-1146 passed LST-551 “abeam to port on reverse
course, distance 3 1/2 miles." At this time radiation intensities onboard LST-551 were 12 mR/hr
and decreasing (this ship had encountered fallout approximately 24 hoursearlier while anchored at
Bikini--Reference 1). The fact that intensities on LST-551 were decreasingasit passed LST-1146
indicates that neither ship was receiving fallout at this time; therefore, the estimatedtime offallout
cessation on LST-1146 (0200 hours, 30 March) may be high-sided.

The topside radiation

environment on LST-1146 resulting from ROMEOfalloutis depicted in figure 3.15; no reduction
in the topsideintensity due to efforts to decontaminate the ship during fallout is assumed.
LST-1146 arrived at Bikini at approximately 1800 hours, 30 March. It remained at
Bikini in the vicinity of EnemanIsland (see figure 2.1) until 1849 hours, 1 April, when it got
underway for Enewetak. LST-1146 remained at Enewetak until 4 April when, at 1147 hours, it

Select target paragraph3