the same fallout as Parry Island between 1700 hours, 27 March and 1200 hours, 30 March; the
radiation environment on Parry Island resulting from Shot ROMEO fallout, as corrected for
shipboard use in the Appendix,is depicted in figure 3.14 (Reference 1).
At 1744 hours on 31 March, PC-1546 got underway for Bikini Atoll, where it made a
brief stop between 0735 and 0833 hours on 1 April, prior to resuming its ASW patrols around that
atoll. The ship conducted three such patrols on 1, 9, and 10 April, each lasting 1-2 days. On 5
April, PC-1546 departed Bikini enroute to its assigned operating area for Shot KOONin the
vicinity of Ailinginae Atoll, approximately 50 nmi east-southeast of Bikini (see figure 3.2). Shot
KOONwasdetonated on EnemanIsland, Bikini Atoll, at 0620 hours, 7 April; PC-1546 departed
Ailinginae Atoll at 0928 hours, 7 April, and arrived back at Bikini at 1928 hours the same day.

Late in the evening of 13 April, PC-1546 got underway from Bikini enroute to Rongerik
Atoll, arriving Rongerik at 0918 hours on 14 April (see figure 1.1). The ship remained at
Rongerik for Shot UNION on 26 April and did not return to Bikini until approximately 0700
hours, 27 April. The light fallout that was detected on several of the ships in the Nan anchorage
during the evening of 26 April and early morning of 27 April is assumedto have notaffected PC1546.
Three more ASW patrols were conducted by PC-1546 in the vicinity of Bikini Atoll
between 27 April and 2 May. At 1828 hours on 2 May, PC-1546 was again underway from
Bikini for Rongerik Atoll. The ship remained at Rongerik for Shot YANKEEon 5 May, and on
6 May proceeded to Kwajalein Atoll, arriving there at 1649 hours. PC-1546 departed Kwajalein
on 7 May enroute to Pearl Harbor via Johnston Island, and did not return to Enewetak or Bikini

during the remainder of Operation CASTLE.

The daily contributionsto the integrated free-field radiation environment on USS PC1546 resulting from Shots BRAVO and ROMEOfallout, shine from contaminated lagoon water,
and from ship contamination are detailed in table 3.7 for the period 1 March-31 May 1954.



When Shot BRAVO wasdetonated on 1 March, LST-1146 was enroute from Japanto
Pearl Harbor. Late in the evening of 1 March, the ship wasdirected to Guam, whereit arrived on
6 March.

On 8 March, LST-1146 departed Guam enroute to Enewetak Atoll, arriving on

14 March. On 16 March, after taking on cargo destined for Bikini, LST-1146 departed for Bikini


Select target paragraph3