MIKE crater on 14 May(see figure 1.3). MOLALA and YAG-40returned to the lagoon during

the afternoon of 12 May, and both ships moored in berth C-3 (YAG-40 wasstill connected to
MOLALAwith 700 feet of tow line). On 13 May, MOLALAcastoff the tow line from YAG-40
and, between 1039 and 1055 hours, the ship washed down YAG-40's weather decks with high

pressure hoses (Reference 3). At 1642 hours, 13 May, MOLALA, with YAG-40in tow, departed

Enewetak Lagoonfor their assigned operating area for Shot NECTAR.
When Shot NECTAR was detonated at 0620 hours, 14 May, MOLALA was

approximately 40 nmi southeast of surface zero. The ship, still towing YAG-40, returned to
Enewetak Lagoon during the early afternoon of shot-day. YAG-40 was moored alongside YAG39 in berth C-3 at 1300 hours, and MOLALAanchored in berth C-4 fifteen minutes later. During

the period 15-19 May, while decontamination experiments were being carried out aboard YAG-40,
YAG-39 was moored alongside and served as the control station for movement of personnel and
equipment from YAG-40. While anchored in berth C-4 it is assumed MOLALAreceived the same
fallout that occurred on Parry Island between 1830 and 2100 hours, 14 May; Shot NECTAR
intensities on Parry Island (Reference 1), as modified for MOLALA geometry (see Appendix), are
depicted in figure 3.11. On 15 May, MOLALAand SIOUX wereutilized to map outthe fallout
area north of Enewetak Atoll resulting from Shot NECTAR. This wasaccomplished in the same
area where SIOUX and TAWAKONT hadlayed out buoys in support of the experiment inlate
April (see section 3.7).

MOLALAreturned to Enewetak Lagoon on 16 May and anchored in berth B-1 at
approximately 0700 hours. The ship remained in this anchorage until 25 May, when it got
underway enroute to Pearl Harbor in company with YAG-39 and YAG-40. During the period 1621 May, decontamination work on YAG-40 was performed on a daily basis by teams drawn from
several ships that remained at Enewetak Atoll after Shot NECTAR; MOLALAprovided 25
crewmen (named) for this task.

During the period 1 March to 13 May 1954, MOLALAwaseither alongside orin close
proximity to the contaminated YAGs on 22 occasions. Shine from the contaminated ships
increased the topside radiation levels on MOLALAand thus the typical crewman's dose on each
occasion. The details of each exposure and calculations to assess their effect on crew dose are
described in the Appendix. The daily contributionsto the integrated intensity on USS MOLALA
resulting from Shots BRAVO, ROMEO and NECTAR fallout, and from ship contamination, are

detailed in table 3.5 for the period 1 March to 31 May 1954. The topside exposure includes shine


Select target paragraph3