
Between 0414 and 0442 hours on 1 March, MOLALA embarkedthe skeleton crews of

YAG-39 and YAG-40, the two remote-controlled ships supporting Project 6.4 (section 3.1), in an
area approximately 45 nmi southwest of the Shot BRAVOgroundzero. The ship then proceeded
on a southeasterly course and, at 0645 hours when Shot BRAVOwas detonated, MOLALA was
approximately 45 nmi south-southwestof the detonation. Following the test, MOLALA steamed
on an easterly course for approximately one hour and then southeasterly until it rendezvoused with
TAWAKONIin an area approximately 45 nmi south-southeast of Bikini Atoll at 1045 hours.
These two ships then steamed on a westerly course to intercept the two YAGs. At approximately
noon, the skeleton crew of YAG-39, which had remained on MOLALA for the test, was

transferred to TAWAKONI;the two ships then headed generally west-northwestin the anticipated
direction of the YAGs, which, by now, were dead in the water.
At 1400 hours, while in an area 30-35 nmi southwest of Bikini, MOLALAsighted

YAG-40 at a range of 13 nmi. At 1445 hours, MOLALAbegan its approach to YAG-40,but prior
to going alongside to hook up the tow wire, it approached cautiously in order to determine any
radiological hazards associated with towing this vessel. Because of a change in wind direction
prior to the detonation, the YAGs were not in an area of anticipated heavy fallout and topside
intensities on YAG-40 were only 30-40 mR/hr (Reference 13).

At 1600 hours, 1 March,

MOLALA took YAG-40 in tow with 1,550 feet of main tow wire, enroute to Enewetak Atoll
(Reference 3).

By steaming in a westerly direction following their rendezvous at 1045 hours, both
MOLALA and TAWAKONI avoidedthe significant BRAVO fallout experienced by manyofthe
task force ships (e.g., COCOPA and PC-1546) when those ships were directed to proceed northnorthwest toward Bikini at 1100 hours. Air sampling data obtained onboard MOLALA(and
TAWAKONI) does indicate, however, that these two ships received some fallout (although
insignificant compared to the other ships) commencing at approximately 1600 hours, 1 March
(Reference 13). Unfortunately, the air sampling was terminated at approximately 2000 hours on
both ships and the time of cessation can only be estimated. On YAG-40, which was being towed

by MOLALAduring the period ofinterest, the air sampling equipment remained in operation until
2300 hours and, at that time, airborne contamination levels werefalling off rapidly; therefore, it is
estimatedthatfallout on the two mannedshipsalso ended at this time.


Select target paragraph3