position southwest of that island, whereas Area Georgeis to the southeast--figure 2.1). MENDER
remained in this area assisting COCOPA in salvage operations (Project 1.4 instrument can
recovery) until approximately 1530 hours, 30 April, when it returned to the Nan anchorage.
MENDERresumed operations in the northern lagoon between 1800 hours, 1 May, and
approximately 1600 hours, 2 May, when it returned to the Nan anchorage. On 4 May, the ship
departed Bikini for its assigned operating area for Shot YANKEE, scheduled for 5 May.
When Shot YANKEEwasdetonated at 0610 hours, 5 May, MENDER wassteaming in
an area 30-35 nmi southeast of the YANKEEsurface zero. Fallout and contaminated lagoon water
resulting from Shot YANKEEsignificantly increased radiation levels in the Nan anchorage.
Consequently, MENDERdid not return to the lagoon until approximately 0800 hours on 6 May.
By this time intensity levels of the water in the anchorage area had decreased to 7 mR/hr
(Reference 8). Between 1022 and 1847 hours, 6 May, MENDERwasutilized to washdown

"various LCUs" that had remained in the lagoon during the test and had received primary fallout
from Shot YANKEE(Reference 3). MENDERcontinued washing down the LCUs on 7 May
between 0755 and 1102 hours, and again between 1302 and 1610 hours. Intensities onboard the
LCUs on 7 Mayare reported as ranging from 275 mR/hr (6 LCUs) to 500 mR/hr (3 LCUs) and
are in good agreement with the derived values of 475 and 410 mR/hr used in the ship shine
calculations (Appendix).
On 8 May, MENDER got underway for Enewetak Atoll where it arrived at
approximately 0600 hours the following morning. The ship remained at Enewetak until the
evening of 11 May, when it departed the atoll on a rehearsal for Shot NECTAR, scheduled for
14 May. MENDERreturned to Enewetak on the morning of 12 Mayand, after taking on
provisions, fresh water, and fuel, departed Enewetak at 1755 hours, enroute to Pearl Harbor via
Johnston Island. The ship arrived at Pearl Harbor on 23 May and did not return to the PPG for
Operation CASTLE.
The daily contributionsto the integrated free-field intensity on USS MENDERresulting
from Shots ROMEO and UNIONfallout, shine from the contaminated lagoon water, and that due
to ship contamination are detailed in table 3.4 for the period 24 March to 31 May 1954. Those
days when MENDERwas moored alongside contaminated LCUs and barges are annotated (*),
and the contribution to topside exposure on MENDER(from the Appendix)is included in the shine


Select target paragraph3