area had decreased to 7 mR/hr (Reference 8). Between 1037 and 1137 hours, COCOPA was
moored alongside YCV-9 and was probably involved with the decontamination of this barge.
During the afternoon of 6 May,the ship visited Area Fox for 2 1/2 hours to recover some of the
Project 1.4 instrumentation, returning to the Nan anchorage at 1832 hours. Between 1850 and
1930 hours, COCOPA moored alongside LCU-637 where it was likely involved in the
decontamination of that boat; TAWAKONI wasinvolved in the decontamination of LCU-638 at
approximately the same time. Note: All LCUs and bargesleft in the Nan anchorage for Shot
YANKEEbecamecontaminated as a result of fallout from that test (Reference 7).
COCOPA remained in the Nan anchorage until 1735 hours on 8 May, when it got

underway for Enewetak with YC-737 in tow. After dropping YC-737 off at Enewetak on 9 May,
it returned to Bikini to pick up YC-1081 and an Armybarge. The ship departed Bikimi with these
two barges in tow at approximately 2030 hours, 10 May, enroute to Enewetak whereit arrived on
1] May.
COCOPA departed Enewetak during the evening of 11 May on a rehearsal for Shot
NECTARwhich was scheduled to be detonated at Enewetak on 14 May; the ship returned to the
lagoon during the morning of 12 May. At 1630 hours, COCOPA took YC-1081 in tow and
departed Enewetak for Bikini Atoll, arriving Bikini at approximately 1800 hours, 13 May. The
ship remained at anchor in the Nan anchorage for Shot NECTAR on14 May, and did not depart

Bikini until 1400 hours, 17 May, when it got underway for Enewetak. COCOPAarrived at
Enewetak at approximately 0700 hours, 18 May, and got underway that afternoon for Guam;

COCOPAdid not return to the PPG during the remainderofthe operation.
The daily contributionsto the integrated free-field intensity on USS COCOPAresulting
from Shots BRAVO, ROMEO, and UNIONfallout, shine from contaminated lagoon water, and

from ship contamination during the period 1 March to 31 May 1954, are given in table 3.3. Those
days when COCOPA was moored alongside contaminated LCUsand barges are annotated (*), and
the resulting contribution to topside exposure on COCOPA(from the Appendix) is included in the
shine column.

When Shot BRAVOwasdetonated on 1 March, MENDER wasat anchorin the harbor

at Sasebo, Japan (Reference 3). The sameday, the ship departed Japan enroute to Guam whereit
arrived on 8 March. MENDER remained anchored at Guam until 17 March when, after taking on

Select target paragraph3