Shot UNION was detonated at 0605 hours, 26 April; SHEA reentered the lagoon and
anchored in the Nan anchorage at 1726 hours the same day. At 0730 hours on 27 April, SHEA
reported a small amount of light, secondary fallout with an average intensity of 3 mR/hr and a
maximum of 5 mR/hr. Other ships in the anchorage reported average intensities of 2 mR/hr and
maximumsof 4 mR/hr at about 1900-2200 on 26 Apri] (see section 3.2). The topside radiation
environment on SHEA due to Shot UNIONfallout is depicted in figure 3.3.
During the period 28 April to 2 May, SHEAassisted RECLAIMER and LST-1157 in
the Project 3.4 mine recovery operations in Area Fox. On 3 May,the ship moored alongside LST1157 in Area How (see figure 2.1) from 1400-1647 hours to take on those mines that were to be

returned to Pearl Harbor for further analysis. The mines had been kept topside on the LST and
were repeatedly checked for radiation. Those indicating "abnormal"radioactivity had been washed
and scrubbed down prior to being transferred to SHEA (Reference 10). Nine personnel from
EODU#1 and thirty-two personnel from Mine Project Six also transferred to SHEA on 3 Mayfor
further transportation to Pearl Harbor, their duties aboard LST-1157 being complete (Reference
During the afternoon of 4 May, SHEA got underway for Pearl Harbor via Kwajalein
Atoll. After a brief stop at Kwajalein, SHEA proceeded to Pearl Harbor, arriving there on
12 May. The mines were off-loaded and given a final check for operability on 13, 14 and 15 May
(Reference 10).

Table 3.2 details the contributionsto the free-field integrated intensity on USS SHEA
(DM-30) from Shot UNION fallout, shine from contaminated lagoon water, and ship
contamination during the period 29 March to 31 May 1954.



When Shot BRAVO wasdetonated at 0645 hours on 1 March 1954, COCOPAwasin
its operating area approximately 50 nmi southeast of Bikini with two Project 1.4 barges (YCV-9
and YFN-934) in tow. It remained in this general area until approximately 0800 hours when, due
to fallout on several of the task force ships (BAIROKO, ESTES, and PHILIP), all ships were

ordered to proceed on a southerly course that would take them out of the fallout area
(Reference 7). COCOPA steamed south until approximately 1100 hours, when it was directed to
proceed on a north-northwesterly course toward Bikini. The ship began receiving fallout at
approximately 1300 hours when it was 40 nmi south-southeastof the atoll. Fallout continued for


Select target paragraph3