
On 1 March 1954, when Shot BRAVO was detonated, SHEA was moored at Long

Beach, California. On 13 March, SHEA departed Long Beach enroute to Pearl Harbor, where it

arrived on 19 March. SHEA departed Pearl Harbor on 22 March and crossed the International
Date Line enroute to Bikini Atoll when Shot ROMEOwasdetonated on 27 March. On 29 March,
SHEA wasfollowing the same route to Bikini as that of LST-1157 (see figure 3.2), but was

approximately 35 nmi behind; SHEA anchored in Berth B-9 (Tare anchorage), next to LST-1157,
at 1407 hours that day. Shot ROMEOfallout at Bikini had ceased at approximately 0800 hours,
29 March. Apparently, the cloud drifted off to the west of Bikini, as Enewetak Atoll received
essentially the same fallout (adjusted for radiological decay) approximately one daylater. It is
unlikely that SHEA received any of this secondary fallout from Shot ROMEOasit approached
Bikini Atoll from the southeast.
On 30 March, SHEA departed Bikini enroute to Enewetak where it arrived during the
morning of 31 March. At 1824 hours on 4 April, SHEA, in company with LST-1157, departed
Enewetak enroute to their assigned operating area for Shot KOON,scheduled for 7 April. When
Shot KOONwasdetonated at 0620 hours on 7 April, SHEA, LST-1157, and MENDERwere in
their assigned operating area approximately 35-40 nmi southeast of the KOON ground zero on
EnemanIsland, Bikini Atoll (figure 1.2). At approximately noon the same day, SHEA entered
Bikini Lagoon and anchored in the Nan anchorageoff EneuIsland.
During the period 8-12 April, SHEA spent most of the time in the northern lagoon with
RECLAIMERand LST-1157, probably assisting with Project 3.4 mine laying operations. With a
scheduled date of 16 April for Shot UNION, SHEAdeparted Bikini at 1300 hours on 15 April for
its assigned operating area approximately 40 nmi southeast of the UNION surface zero. As
previously mentioned, Shot UNION was delayed due to unfavorable weather until 26 April.
SHEAreturned to the lagoon during the evening of 16 April and, with the exception ofbrief (1-2
day) patrol assignments outside Bikini Lagoon on 19 and 20 April, the ship remained in the Nan
anchorage area until 23 April. During the morning of 23 April, SHEA got underwayfora patrol
assignment in an area north of Bikini Atoll. The ship returned to Bikini and anchored in Area Fox
with RECLAIMER and LST-1157 during the morning of 25 April. After a brief sortie out of the
lagoon during the afternoon of 25 April, SHEA returned to Bikini and anchored in the Nan

anchorage. At 1715 hours on 25 April, SHEA got underwayforits assigned operating area for the

Select target paragraph3