Section 1

Operation CASTLEwasa series of atmospheric nuclear tests conducted by the Atomic
Energy Commission (AEC)at the Pacific Proving Grounds (PPG) during the Spring of 1954.

Radiological safety procedures generally included the issuance of film badges to about 10 percent
of the personnel throughout the operation and to individuals during periods of potentially
significant radiation exposure. Cohort badging, defined as group dose determination from one
badge wearer, was the primary meansof determining individual exposures. Recorded dosimetry
is available for most personnel assigned to the ships. However, it is noted that available dosimetry
forms are incomplete as to dates and times of recorded exposures. Moreover, recorded dosimetry
from cohort badging has been shownto be not always representative of the entire cohort due to
dissimilar activities within the group. Hence, reconstructed doses, including uncertainty analyses,
are necessary for high-confidence assessments of the doses received by these personnel.
Reference 1 reports the results of dose reconstructions for personnel on sixteen of the ships
participating at Operation CASTLE,as well as for island-based personnel on Enewetak and
Kwajalein Atolls; this companion report documents the analysis for eight additional ships of
interest. The methodology of Reference 1 is employed herein. Appropriate material from the
reference is repeated for reader convenience. For brevity, detailed derivations, discussions, and

listings are cited but not repeated.
Asin the case of the sixteen ships evaluated in Reference 1, this report describes the
operations, the radiological situation, and the time-space relationships of each of the eight ships
with respectto the radiological environment. The results are portrayed as equivalent film badge
doses for the crewsof each ofthe ships.


There were six shots in the Operation CASTLE test series: BRAVO, ROMEO, KOON,

UNION, YANKEE, and NECTAR. Thefirst five were detonated on Bikini Atoll; Shot NECTAR
was detonated on Enewetak. Figure 1.1 depicts the locations of Bikini and Enewetak with respect
to the other atolls comprising the northern Marshall Islands. Figures 1.2 and 1.3 show the main
features of Bikini and Enewetak, respectively, and the locations of the CASTLEdetonations; the
pertinent details of each test are summarizedin table 1.1 (Reference 2).

Select target paragraph3