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Figure 68. Shadow-shield whole-body counter (gammaspectroscopy ) in newtrailer,
with Marshallese subject being counted.

computer. In this program a library of spectra ob-

tained by calibrations with the plastic phantom is
used, but the gamma energy peaks extracted are
not limited to those represented in the library. The
program used was developed at Los Alamos’? for
an IBM-704 computer, and has been modified for
use on the IBM-7094 and the CDC-6600 computers. Its use in the determination of body burdens of radionuclides has been described by Cohn
and Gusmano.”

As in the previous surveys, both the population

Radiochemical Analysis of Urine
In addition to the whole-body counts, information pertinent to the internal body burdens was

obtained by radiochemical analysis of urine specimensfor °°Sr and **’Cs, carried out by the Envi-

ronment Studies Division, Health and Safety
Laboratory, AEC, New York.* Twenty-four-hour
urine specimens werecollected from 23 residents
of Rongelap Island and 5 residents of Ebeye
Island. In addition, two pooled urine samples

were obtained on Rongelap. The urines were

exposed to fallout in March 1954 and the unex-

analyzed first for '**Cs by gamma-ray spectroscopy

were counted. An effort was made to count every

8 x 4-in. Nal (TI) crystal. Then the residues were

posed population currently living on Rongelap
resident. In addition, some Rongelapese currently
living on anotheratoll, Ebeye, were brought back

to Rongelap andincluded in the survey. Members
of the AEC and Trust Territory medical teams
were also counted. A total of 179 people were
counted in the 1965 survey.

by counting the wet ashed sample on top of an

dissolved and analyzed radiochemically for '*’Cs
and *°Sr. Calcium was determinedby the oxalatepermanganate titration method.

*We are grateful ta Mr. Edward P. Hardy for carrying out
these anailvses.

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