vera aiso covered? by Fastox cameras to cbtein

fF the first vound uas delayed because three radar beacons vere

found to be inoperable
hofere one vas instelled in gesd conditien.


nnesion of the fgor and dsxenda deta indicated satisfactory vehicle

All functicns operuted properly, except deploymsmt of the

eccond-staege parachute.

The heed was soverely damaged when it vas


recovered the following day.


The second-stage chute had remained in thea

can, apparently because the plate between the twe parachutes had caught



The secend rowed vas launched on 16 April.
vere re-worked and the plate was removed.

For this reund, the varachuiss
The redar beacon failed at 20

seconds, but Igor. Askania, and radar akin tracking continued.
functions occurred properly.


Radar tracking was lost at about 150,000

feet MSL on the downward portion of the trajectory.
imnediate recovery was not possible.

For this reason,

A ground search was instituted the

following day but failed to Locate the head.

Fiuelly, the head was

sighted from the sir, and a acarch party recovered 1% on 22 April.

head was in excellent condition.


The filter was intact, the fore and aft

seais had functicned, and the head flotation tube was inflated.



Select target paragraph3