Sediment analysis from Bikini Atoll (after Emery, Tracey and Ladd, 1954,
p. 67).
Groundwater quality data from Bikini and Eneu Islands (after Lawrence
Livermore Laboratory).

Map of Bikini Atoll (after Emery, Tracey and Ladd, 1954, p. 51).
Geologic logs from Bikini Island boreholes (after Emery, Tracey and Ladd,

1954, pp. 74-75).

Ocean bathymetry, surrounding Bikini Atoll (after Emery, Tracey and Ladd,
1954, Chart 4).
Distribution of bottom sediments near Bikini Island (after Emery, Tracey
and Ladd, 1954, Chart 67).
Organic carbon in Bikini lagoon sediments (after Emery, Tracey and Ladd,

1954, p. 63).

Distribution of Cesium-137 activity in Bikini lagoon (from BARC Report
No. 1, 1984, figure 2).

Generalized circulation of Bikini lagoon (after Von Aryx, 1954, p. 268).
Generalized fresh groundwater lens in a small island.
Well locations on Bikini and Eneu Islands (after Noshkin etal, 1975).


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